first baptist church



Dedicated to its vision of loving God, loving people, and going into the world, First Baptist Church of Merritt Island has been a vibrant and engaged neighbourhood for more than seven decades. To better match with its core principles and community aims, the church recently started on a remodelling project that included the deployment of modern audio technology. The Bose S1 Pro Portable Bluetooth Speaker System is one outstanding item that made a noteworthy improvement to the worship experience.

Remodelling with a Greater Goal

First Baptist Church of Merritt Island realised the value of designing a place that accurately portrays their basic values, which include active faith, unwavering truth, passionate unity, extravagant grace, and humble service, under the direction of Executive Pastor Carey Dean. The remodelling project sought to renovate the church and related facilities to better serve the congregation and the greater community.

Joining forces with Pro Sound and Video

A crucial partner in the remodelling project was Pro Sound and Video, acknowledged authorities in audiovisual solutions. They were able to offer creative solutions crafted to the specific requirements of the church thanks to their vast experience in building and installing professional audio systems. Their portable Bluetooth speaker system, the Bose S1 Pro, was a crucial part of their music solution.

The Bose S1 Pro’s Power

The First Baptist Church of Merritt Island’s worship service was significantly improved with the Bose S1 Pro Portable Bluetooth Speaker System. The ideal option for a variety of events and occasions, both inside the church and in the community, was provided by this small and adaptable speaker system, which gave unequalled versatility and portability.

The Bose S1 Pro’s sophisticated Bluetooth capabilities enabled for flawless wireless audio streaming, allowing the church to play music and other audio content from various sources with ease. Whether it was uplifting worship songs or motivating talks, the tremendous sound supplied by the Bose S1 Pro captured the assembly and created an immersive experience.

On-the-Go Sound Support Flexibility

In addition to its Bluetooth capabilities, the Bose S1 Pro had outstanding portability, allowing the church to transport the power of their sound system wherever they went. The Bose S1 Pro was able to give high-quality sound assistance in every environment, whether it was for outdoor events, neighbourhood outreach initiatives, or other church activities.

Embracing Innovation and Excellence

First Baptist Church of Merritt Island, Pro Sound and Video, and Bose Professional collaborated to successfully complete a remodelling project that completely changed the congregation’s experience of worship. Because of its exceptional audio quality and functional design, the Bose S1 Pro Portable Bluetooth Speaker System was instrumental in fostering an immersive and interesting environment at services and community activities.


Looking ahead, First Baptist Church of Merritt Island is confident in their capacity to love God, love others, and leave a lasting impression on the world. The church has been able to expand its reach and engagement in the community thanks to the remodelling project, which includes the incorporation of the Bose S1 Pro Portable Bluetooth Speaker System.

Bose Portable Speakers

Check out our portable speaker selection, which includes the Bose S1 Pro Portable Speaker:


Bose S1 Pro Portable Speaker
Bose S1 Pro Portable Speaker

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