University of Chile


University of Chile


The University of Chile is a highly respected and well-established institution of higher education in Chile, renowned for its excellence in teaching, research, creativity, and outreach. In mid-2020, the university decided to implement a hybrid classroom approach to enhance the quality of its teaching and learning experience. This was in response to the easing of restrictions on mobility and indoor gatherings, allowing students and faculty to return to the classroom.

The Office of IT Vice-Rector and the Office of Online Education were responsible for overseeing the project, which involved customizing the technology solution for each faculty, as a standardized solution would not be suitable due to the unique architectural characteristics of each learning space. The university engaged technology integrator Tecnomove to create three solution models (basic, intermediate, and advanced) for the hybrid classrooms.

Bose Professional was selected to provide the conferencing devices, including over 70 Bose Videobar VB1 all-in-one USB conferencing devices, a Kaptivo camera system for capturing whiteboard images, and a Lenovo ThinkSmart Hub for device control. The hybrid classroom setup aimed to provide professors with a seamless and user-friendly experience, with simple installations, intuitive operation, and high-quality audio and video.

The Bose VB1 includes six beam-steering microphones that can accurately capture sound and ignore ambient noise, and easy-to-use autoframing to ensure clear and intelligible audio and video for both in-person and remote students. The hybrid classrooms addressed the unique needs of the University of Chile, offering a smooth integration of technology into the classroom environment.

A video demonstrating the impact of the Bose Professional and University of Chile collaboration in educational innovation is available at the following link:

Bose Videobars

Check out our range of video conferencing solutions, including the Bose Videobar VB-1 and Bose Videobar VB-S.

Bose videobar-vb1-vbs
Bose Videobar-VB1-VBS

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